Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spring in an Autumn Greenhouse

Two postings in one day..... this is a first with my busy fall schedule.  Having the greenhouse to 'play in' as the winter months approach us in zone 5 is really keeping my spirits up. Today was an eventful day spent enjoying the last days of color on the few trees that are not naked in the BGgarden and spring thoughts in the greenhouse.  Doesn't my little friend Sushi (Netherland Dwarf) in my planting station look like something you would find during the Spring months? 

Or maybe the terra cotta planters filled with salad mix? Doesn't that remind you of spring?  These are super easy to grow and I have a few pots that should be harvest before the end of the month already. 

Spring in this new little seedling?  Can you name that little fellow? 

Collage of favorite planters in the Greenhouse
One thing is for sure  - we are enjoying the warm weather in the greenhouse.  I think my little Christmas tree has grown a foot since I put him in the greenhouse a few weeks ago.  

I wonder what tomorrow will bring........... 


  1. Hi Bren~~ Sushi is a cutie pie. When my kids were younger we kept Netherland Dwarfs. They are beautiful creatures. It looks like you will defy winter with your wonderful greenhouse. Is the seedling a Nasturtium?

  2. Love little Sushi! I came so close to adopting another house rabbit yesterday that had just got over a respiratory problem. My little Murphy would not be happy however!

    I would guess at Nasturtium for the seedling.

    Gorgeous greenhouse!


  3. Thank you for stopping by, I have marked your blog so I can come back later and take more time to look around. Happy week-end.

  4. Hi Bren, what a super beautiful and lovely blog you have! Oh so sweet.. little Sushi is adorable!Great photography!
    I look forward to exploring more of your blog. Thanks for visiting my wizardess blog.

  5. A greenhouse would certainly help me to get through the zone 4 or 5 that I live in too. I like the bunny photos, they are such sweet spirts.

  6. Yes, that is a nasturtium seedling. Your bunny is cute. Do you keep it in a cage?


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