Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Last of the Fall Color in my Zone 5

I swear with in minutes of our school district calling a cancellation due to fog the SUN was out brighter then it has been in weeks.  Isn't that how it works?  We took advantage of the wonderful weather and enjoyed the morning out for a walk in the woods.  Not too many bright colors to be found as the trees are mostly naked this time of year. I think I have more burs on me then our Aussie Olivia  after I climbed into an over grown pricker patch to get some photos of a few red berries that were still hanging in there.

My son thinks he is going to be a 'millionaire' after filling the garden cart full of Osage oranges he harvested from the woods.  I guess these fall bloomers can be found on ebay for up to $4 a piece?!  They are fun to display next to pumpkins and gourds and are said to keep spiders away.

Collection of color from the Ornamental Pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer')

 The Ornamental Pear trees has been a favorite of mine for many years.  I first fell in love with them in our little city garden when we lived in town. These pretty spring flowering trees lined the streets of that cute little 'Norman Rockwell' town we lived in.  This dwarf tree stand more upright then the Bradford Pear and who can resist the color display she is putting on this second week in November. 

This could be my favorite photo in November with the blue peeking through the wide range of leaf color on that pear tree. (image to the left).

Ornamental Pear on fire in November.

I will return later in the day with some photos from the Greenhouse that you won't want to miss - C'ya then!


  1. So glad you got to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors. I have never heard of Osage oranges, but they are interesting. I wish I had some for my house, but $4 is a little more then I want to spend. I will just enjoy the pictures of yours :)

  2. You really captured beautiful colors, is always a pleasure to see your blog.

  3. Bren,
    You have a beautiful blog-I just bought a Osage orange at the farmers market -I don't think I paid four I think it was 2.50 but still he might could get more..
    I envy your green house (I know I shouldn't do that!) -I need to go back in your posts and find out more about it. Have a good night

  4. That smell of the hedge balls are so distinct, I can smell it from here in my mind. My dad use to cut the hedge trees up for posts for fences, as the wood is extremely hard and won't rot. The problem is that they were very crooked fence post and you couldn't drive a staple in it to hold wire very easily. Four dollars a piece, wow.
    Beautiful photos.

  5. Hi Bren! I'm glad the fog lifted so you and your son could enjoy the walk, along with your dog. I hope your stickers are out and your son has found some buyers for his osage oranges.

    I enjoyed your photos of fall colors. I think the one with the close up of the tip of a leaf is my favorite. The one you like the best is awesome, too.


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