Over whelmed with all the wonderful subjects I have to take photos of in the garden this week I decided to play is safe and show off my yellows. The composition above is from my kitchen window ledge.

The collection of images to the right are my OUT yellows. These are a collection of miniature daffodils. As I look around this spring I have hopes of adding more spring flowering bulbs to my collections in the fall. Does anyone else get to the fall and you are ready to store the garden shovel? NOTE TO SELF - ADD MORE SPRING BULBS IN LATE OCTOBER!
Yesterday was a wonderful day to be outside despite the wind. Leaf blowing duty was super easy! I would just give all the leaves that covered my perennials for the winter a little nudge with the blower and off they went! I can't help but remember the snow we got a few years back the second week of April as I take the covers off of the beds. I do pray this year will continue to be rich with warmth.
NOTES TO SELF : ADD MORE COLOR in the FALL! Spring bulbs can go in the ground as late as January in my zone 5b. IF the ground is not frozen these spring show stoppers can be added to the soil. I have taken a few shots of random garden areas and edited them in photoshop to show where to add the bulbs. This is a good time to do this planning because come late summer these area's are filled with color from the summer perennials.
I had to end this mornings post with the pussy willow tree.... wonderful display this time of year. I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy this day in the garden.
The collection of images to the right are my OUT yellows. These are a collection of miniature daffodils. As I look around this spring I have hopes of adding more spring flowering bulbs to my collections in the fall. Does anyone else get to the fall and you are ready to store the garden shovel? NOTE TO SELF - ADD MORE SPRING BULBS IN LATE OCTOBER!
Yesterday was a wonderful day to be outside despite the wind. Leaf blowing duty was super easy! I would just give all the leaves that covered my perennials for the winter a little nudge with the blower and off they went! I can't help but remember the snow we got a few years back the second week of April as I take the covers off of the beds. I do pray this year will continue to be rich with warmth.

Looks beautiful! Five more weeks until I get to see my garden. I couldn't be more excited!
My favorite flowers daffodils. They were everywhere in England, along with pussy willow. Lovely!
Such great color! I love the bunny in the lower corner of your inside composition! So sweet!
And yes, I managed to get out this morning and do so raking and weeding. The birds, the frogs and the squirrels were all having a ball singing, croaking and chasing each other around. I even saw a grasshopper! Such a healing feeling to spend time with nature!!
Thanks for sharing your garden beauty!
Good morning, dear Bren! How cheerful ... 2 spring favorites, daffs and pussy willows :) Hum, for some reason Blot won't let me pick your post but will keep trying. Off to Garden Club Board meeting. Yes, spring is here!
Nice photos.I intend on buying a few more species of daffodils for next year.
You have a beautiful collection of yellow. Daffodils are my favorite flower. Happy flowering...
Beautiful Bren. You're lucky everything's blooming.
Those are gorgeous shots! We had Spring... then we got snow and ice. Now we have snow again. Ugh! I'm so ready for warmth and flowers!
I love the pussy willows especially! We don't have them here and I just think they are so dear!
Bren - Great idea marking your pictures to remind yourself where to put in more spring color!!
I have the same not to self, plant more bulbs in fall! I love all the yellows.
Your collages are beautiful Bren.
I did get out this afternoon in my garden for a few minutes after work. We had rain again today.
Yellow really says spring to me. Dandelions are even a welcome sight. Does the pussy willow get to be a large tree? I need to plant a few more trees in autumn and am trying to narrow down the list of possibilities.
Looks beautiful, Bren! I love yellow and need a lot more of it. Me too on the 'note to self'- I plan to put a bunch of crocus in my grass! I sure like how you do your photos, what's your secret?
Thanks for the wonderful comments! Tessa - the secret to the crocus is to LEAVE THEM ALONG after they bloom. Most people make the mistake of cutting them back or removing the grassy leaves left after the bloom is complete. I don't do anything to mine.... Just plant them and let them look pretty.
walk2write - that pussy willow tree is about 20 feet tall. It was on the property when we moved her six years ago. I do believe it maybe at least 30 years old. Sad to say we may have to take it down because it appears age is setting in and only 1/8 of the tree has life this spring.
Oh, Yes! I watch my neighbor across the street, every year she shears off her daffodil leaves after bloom- you see less and less of the but it is slow. I should go and talk to her and let her know not to do that- she is a very private person so that is why I haven't yet :)
Wow!!! Your flowers are AMAZING!!! Having just moved to the desert, I'm missing some of the lovely colors from the Midwest. Great job - you're a WONDERFUL gardener!!!
Take care,
ElegantWordArt by Bethany :)
More beautiful daffodil captures!
I LOVE the Pussy Willow tree captures..gorgeous!! I also really like your Happy Weekend collage you make with your signature at the end of your post~very nice!!
Beautiful photos! I will have to get my dose of color through other gardeners for now since nothing is blooming here yet.
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