Sunday, April 26, 2009

Don't Blink Heat Wave

We are reaching record highs for April in my neck of the woods. I had to share with you my oranges and pink tulips that are opening and curling before they are gone. Today the high is expected to reach near 80* again.

This white daffodil had just bloomed midweek. By the weekend the heat and wind had dried her petals. Off to water and try to catch up with those unwanted YELLOW FLOWERS ( dandelion) in my garden.

Happy Sunday - Can't wait to hear what everyone else is doing in the garden this weekend.


  1. Well lets see Bren...I washed all my flower pots that haven't been used yet and my garden figures.I gave the roses and hibiscus a disease/pests/feeding treatment. Painted two tables that plants sit on.Trimmed dead leaves off plants and pulled weeds! I love being in the garden!

  2. It's been very hot here the past couple of days. And so humid! Leaves you almost gasping. But the plants love it.

  3. Taking photos of rain drops on the flowers out in the garden! and now it is getting hot outside. Happy gardening!

  4. Such beautiful flowers. I also think your little guest in the previous post is so cute!!

  5. Thanks for sharing your garden and beautiful photographs. The wind is beating up our poor flowers here in Houston this week.

  6. I love your flower collage. Very pretty.

    It has been lovely and warm here for a few days as well.

    I planted some fuchsia's and Surfinia's in a summer pot for the patio this weekend. :-)

  7. We had the heat through Thursday so I trust you are getting our rain today. Your tulips look great. I am wanting to try a really well planned bed this fall as I usually plant them willy nilly all over the property, like a southern Iowa farmboy.

  8. There is something really beautiful in that wilting white daffodil.

    It's getting too warm here to do much gardening. ;)

  9. This is the third day in a row for us with temps hitting the 80 mark, too. I don't have any tulips, but the heat sure did a number on the remaining daffys that were still blooming. But don't the dandelions just love it though:))

  10. We're having record highs here too! I'm not a big fan of sudden summer.

  11. I'm so envious of all your pretty tulips!!

  12. Looks like another long, hot,dry summer ahead of us here in the southeast...I'm aready tired of hauling water and dragging hoses all around the yard.
    We also have a thick yellow coating of pollen on everything...even my black lab!

    Send Rain to Georgia Please!

  13. Yikes. Poor daffodil, Bren. I hope the temperatures moderate soon. Summer should happen in summer!

    I basically puttered as much as I could, interrupted occasionally by nagging indoor tasks such as laundry.
    The weather was on the cool side, but dry. I'd like it to rain. I've got a few hostas and fuchsias transplanted and I suppose I'll have to haul out the hose.

    Such is the life... :)

  14. Thanks for asking! It has been rough out there with those near 90 degree temps! it is strange to see all the blooming spring wildflowers and have the day smell like summer! Hope your week is cooler! gail

  15. Beautiful colours and beautiful tulips!

  16. Oh I do love your blog! Lots of pictures and also gardening tips, which I need. We live in the country and have lots of flowerbeds that we're trying to fill up with deer proof shrubs and perenials...short of a prayer some don't have a chance! I bought Rudibeckias this weekend at Walmart, hope they do well. Come visit me at
    Joy C.

  17. Bren, your tulips are so pretty.Daffodils just do not last long enough do they?
    It was such a glorious weekend and the mini heat wave was a welcome event for me. I got so much done in the flower beds and enjoyed just soaking up the sunshine and warm temps.One more day to enjoy it before we get that rain and cool weather back so enjoy it. I know I will .

  18. Dear Bren,
    I am so happy to meet you and your gardens.
    Your tulips are just lovely.
    Looking forward to reading your journal and learning about you and your gardens.
    I also am pleased to see the frogs have returned.
    Soon we will celebrate May Day. I so love May! Hope you have lots of May flowers!

  19. Our record setting 80-degree temps only lasted one day so the spring bulbs weren't much affected. Very cool and rainy here all weekend. Great weather for spring flowers.

  20. Mmm mmm love the oranges and pinks...warm and glowing. Need to get around to posting some pics myself...must upload soon!!

    Thanks for adding my button, by the way - fun to see it in someone else's sidebar.

    I can give you the lowdown on creating one, if you like. You just need a small picture the same pixel width as your sidebar, upload it to a web image hosting service (e.g. photobucket) and then get the right code (which i can give you via facebook message if you're interested!!)


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