Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Stop the Clock

DOES ANYONE ELSE feel like spring just flew past us? I don't remember the spring blooms ever opening so quickly. The collection above is a few of the blooms from the garden this weekend. Many of the daffodils that open early spring are gone leaving behind the doubling yellow daffodils. We quickly moved the summer into the garden by working hard on the mulching and pond maintenance. The rain was welcomed today because I desperately needed a day of rest after all the spring clean up in the past few days.

Boo found a pot that was waiting to be planted and took a nap.... all day!

Fiber Optic - for the past two years this was the 'hot item' that was hard to keep in stock at most greenhouse / nurseries in our neck of the woods. Much to my surprise I am finding plenty in stock at retailers such as Home Depot and Walmart. This greenery was found at Meijers for $2. I just had to buy this after paying well over $5 in years past. This is an interesting accent to any collection with it's appearance of a optical lamp after the little blooms appear on the ends of the grass.

The rain has passed for the day and the green is just POPPING throughout the garden and landscaping. It is finally feeling like spring. If we could only stop the clock on those average temperature days of spring so we can enjoy the color and freshness.

Happy Spring


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the kind comments! Your garden is lovely, and the photographs are beautiful!! :)

  2. I was just thinking the same thing. It's almost May. Where has the time gone? Love your photos. Your kitty is too cute.

  3. Boo looks like he has the right idea. It is raining here and all I wanted to do all day is nap. Or read a really good book. Someone else mentioned that they thought there used to be a season between winter and summer and it seems to be missing. I agree.

  4. What a sweet picture of your kitty in the pot! Great pictures. Sonia/Miss Bloomers

  5. I like the fiber optic grass also. Not sure I'll buy any this year.
    Spring is going fast! But our wisteria had so many buds ready to bloom, but the frost this week killed them all I'm afraid. :-(
    Your kitty is SO cute!

  6. Hi Bren

    You've had topsy turvy weather over there.

    Isn't Boo a cutie?

    I'd not heard of 'fibre optic', I'll keep an eye out for it over here.

  7. I love the fiber optic - maybe even I can grow that?? Speaking of which... I was wondering if you'd do a consultation for me regarding what I should put on my balcony. I have windows now! So I should be able to do all kinds of things - even on the inside!

    I loved the kitty nap photos. Too cute!

    Talk soon!

  8. I definitely feel like spring is flying by. Actually it feels like summer has already set in with these higher temps.

    Good buy on the grass. At work we sell it for 5.99.

  9. Love the captures of Boo's nap! I so relate with 3 fur balls of my own. They find the darnedest places to curl up and sleep - all day!

    Beautiful blooms as well. Being in Florida we don't really do Spring so much. But you're not the only one to mention the shortness of the season this year. The blossoms are beautiful in your collage.

  10. Shalom Bren,
    Glad to meet you.
    Love the cat in the flower pot and the fiber optic!
    Greetings to your Midwest from my Mideast.

  11. Taking a second look at the cat pictures I noticed the time stamp. ALL DAY! Funny. I've come and gone at home before and seen my cats in the same spot, but ASSUMED maybe they'd eatten, litterboxed, SOMETHING but sleep all day. But maybe not.

  12. After two days of rain, I need to mow my yard. It sure did hurry up the spring as the red bud is blooming and Iris are shooting up quickly. Love the cat.

  13. Look at that sweet little baby Boo sleeping in the pot...you know I am a sucker for cuteness

  14. OMG - the cat photo is the BEST ever. I would love to use this on my blog sometime - and will credit you. Boo is great!!!! Let me know if I can use the photo. LOVE IT!



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