Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day in Late January

Thankful that the wind is calm and the sun is out so I can go out and enjoy the beautiful new snow today. While shoveling I had my camera strapped to my back so I could take a few shots as I went along . However, earlier as a bald eagle flew over I didn't have my camera on me. Someday I will get a shot of one of those wonderful creatures in my yard. Today was not that day.

Snow Day Shots

I always have one or two of our pets following me around outside. Today it was Olivia who enjoys putting her nose in the snow. Not sure if she is smelling something or just enjoys eating the snow.
Oopie seemed to not want to be bothered when I was taking a few photos of him eating his lunch.

This is my favorite shot of the day. I like how you can see the cold snow sparkle.

Sparking Snow

Some random shots from my walk in the woods. That tree that is down on the right hand side was hit by lightening a few summers ago and we had to take it down. Great for fire wood but the boys cut so much wood last summer they didn't get around to chopping this one. The river seems to be frozen along the edge. Wonderful day for a walk in the woods.


  1. Your snow is SOOOOOOOO lovely! All we have right now is ... pretty much nothing! Oh well.
    Olivia is so pretty! And Oopie looks like one cool cat! :)
    There is such beauty all around you! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Pretty snow photos! Your Furkids are so cute, too! LOL


  3. Cats do have an attitude, especially when they are eating. I really don't miss that snow, but I can almost smell and taste the sharp coldness of it while looking at your picture. Did you get cold knees to capture that shot?

  4. I like your snow and pet pics! I found you through your comment on Greenbow's blog, and clicked on you because of your reference to living in the midwest. I live in SE Nebrska. I am zone 5b, so we probably grow some of the same things. It sounds like you live on a farm, though, and I live on a smallish lot in the city. How cool to live near the woods!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment Bren. It looks as though we share interests. Funny that you also had snow peaks in your garden. Your animals are beautiful.

  6. Beautiful snow shots. Olivia looks so cute! :-)


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