Thursday, January 29, 2009

Highlight of the Winter

I can't remember if I shared this sunset with my blogger friends so I did a quick look at my history and I couldn't find it. I took this photo on Presidents Day as we headed out to town for dinner. One of the highlights of my winter is when I actually capture the sunset. From my property we can't see the sun coming or going because of the trees. On those days I remember to take the camera along it is like 'vacation' getting a great shot of the sun in a different perspective. This sunset was during a deep freeze as the reading in the car thermometer read 2* degrees.


  1. That is stunning! Your photos say so much - I just LOVE seeing them!

  2. It's amazing how a winter sunset can warm our heart! Hat's off to you, dear Bren.

  3. Hey Bren,
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much. Looks like you guys are getting hammered by the cold and snow. It's been cold up in the PNW, but I think we are on a warming trend. My wife told me it was 50 today. Nice picture of the sunset. Thanks again for dropping by. Strider

  4. My wife and I have a friend that has a blog that is mostly about gardens and such. After looking through your site, I thought you might enjoy visiting this one.

  5. I was just sent over here by my good friend Strider. You recently stopped by his blog and he seems to think we might have some things in common :) I am an avid gardener. I was browsing through your posts, when I got to your video. Alas it was not working...but I did find some other yummy YouTube gardens.

    If you want to check out my blog. I have a label on my side bar...down at the bottom a bit "Garden Stuff" if you click on that you will be able to just look at my gardening posts.

    By the way I love your photography. The sunset is gorgeous.
    I am sure I will be back. Nice to meet you.


Thank you for stopping by my blog in the BGgarden. I will try my best to visit your blog if you leave a comment. IF you enjoyed my photos please stop by my site at