Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Weekend

Winter on the River in the Black Swamp  
 This is where I am coming to you from.... 

Having fun learning tips from the pro-Bird Watchers on how to snap some Northern Winter Birds.  I am excited about these photos on Day #3 of my bird watching adventure.   Look at the third on the end above with his beak full of food!  By day three I realized the best shots come from my home window with the bird feeder just a foot from my lens.  It sure beats standing out in the 16* F weather!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend like we did in the BGgarden!


  1. I am a HUGE bird lover, and would probably drop over dead if I saw something as beautiful as that cardinal on one of my feeders! Lucky, lucky you!

  2. Pretty pictures! Snow is nice if it is going to be so darn cold.

  3. Beautiful photos, Bren!! I'm just working with my camera, too.

  4. Hi Bren~~ Your first photo would make an awesome Christmas-gather-'round-the-table Jigsaw puzzle. I hope you and your feathered friends are keeping warm.

  5. THank you for the wonderful comments... this is what keeps me sharing on the blog!
    Winter can be a wonderful time in the garden. I am so happy to share it with you all! OFF TO see what you all shared today on your blog so I can return the favor!
    ((HUGS))) and many warm thoughts!

  6. I really like the feel of your winter on the river photo. The golden light reflecting is what makes it special.

  7. Honored to see the inspirational link, dear Bren, I'm in awe of your many accomplishments since we first met. I'm still limping along and you are jumping hurdles :) *Hugs* in friendship and love. Thank you, dear friend :)

  8. You are getting some beautiful visitors to your feeder and you are also getting good pictures. I also like your picture of the river.
    Thanks for visiting my site.

  9. What gorgeous photos. I've never seen a cardinal, thanks for sharing.

  10. Aren't they so much fun to try and capture? Lovely.

  11. Bren,... lovely photo -- what a challenging jigsaw puzzle that would make!

  12. Great photos! I love birds..always a treat to see! Lovely post! yay!

  13. Bre, isn't it fun to watch the birds? It is one of my winter pastimes. Sometimes they get greedy and fight for the feeders just like there are only two seeds left.;-)
    Wonderful pictures Girl!

  14. Cute pics and what a blast! I'd love to do a bird watching adventure...

  15. You've gotten some great shots! I love seeing the Cardinals since we don't get them here.

  16. Very nice pictures. Keep up the good work

  17. Snow, snow, snow! Only about 8 more weeks of it...

  18. Hi Bren,

    I think sitting inside, watching from the window is the way to go. I just had my daughter fill our bird feeder and look forward to seeing who visits. The photo of the wintery pond is just beautiful when viewed from the inside of my warm house ;-)

  19. Lovely photos - thanks for sharing them! I miss snow.


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