Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year Planting 2010

Happy New Year 2010... not wasting anytime and getting busy planting some hardy finds in the greenhouse.  Need a green fix?  Join me in the greenhouse. 

I would also like to invite you to join my subscribers list at : BGgardenLive

Be sure to leave a comment - is there something you would like me to share about home greenhouse projects?


  1. The firewall here at work won't let me see any of your videos - (it's the youtube thing), but I absolutely love your blog. I'm impressed with how you edit your videos, too! (when I have time to see them at home) I don't know how to edit yet...

  2. Fun video, Bren! I'm so envious of your greenhouse!

  3. My winter plantings for the most part consist of my amaryllis bulbs. If I start anything by seed for later planting in the garden, it will be late February before I can do that, since I don't have a greenhouse. If I start them sooner, they get too leggy and are ready before it's safe to put them outside. Good to see that you're making such good use of your new greenhouse, Bren!

  4. Happy, happy New Year, dear Bren, and you do look so happy in your new 73º greenhouse! On this frigid day, thanks for sharing your hot planting tips!

  5. I am just ready for my greenhouse to come in!!! I am ready to start seeds. i have been collecting them all year, so it is time to get them going!

  6. Thanks everyone for stopping by! Kylee, you could start them now and transplant to a 4" container. We use to do this in the greenhouse I use to 'work' for.
    Engineergarden - Stop by my channel at Shouldn't be a problem viewing the images there!

    Happy New Year everyone.... looking forward to watching these items grow with yoU!

  7. Happy New Year, Bren! i thought you will have a break from planting during winter, but your beautiful greenhouse is just teeming with life!
    miss you,

  8. Happy New Year Bren. It's exciting to see what all you southern gardeners are doing in your greenhouses or gardens at this time of year.

  9. Oh, fun! I rushed out to look in the fridge for the last 7 of the hyacinth bulbs I almost forgot and put them in containers of stones and water. Maybe next year I'll try tulips -- the puppy ate last year's.

    I love looking in somebody else's greenhouse. I'm not so brave as to do a video.


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