Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Garden World Report in Ohio

Be sure to click on over to the GARDEN WORLD REPORT with  Shirley Bovshow to see her Holiday Garden Tour.  I was honored to be a part of this show last week.  You can catch my segment at the link below. 

Honored to be a part of the Garden World Report!

Watch live streaming video from gardenworldreport at livestream.com

I hope you enjoyed my clip featured on Garden World Report.  If you enjoy looking at Garden Centers and what they have to offer during the Holiday season please check out my other Holiday Green Tour Entries at  the link to the left. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!


  1. WOW OH WOW!! It appears as if my dear friend is definitely on her way to becoming a garden world report celebrity!

    Thanks for sharing this link and your imagines are so lovely!

  2. Thank you Jen - You always inspire!

  3. you are cute as a bug in your photos!!! you are going to be famous...I hope you remember us little people when you make the big time!


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