Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Sunshine from Zone 5

Can you imagine the 'Ahhhh' when I entered the greenhouse last night to find this bloom! I had to wait till sunrise to share it with you and I hope you enjoy it! I hope it screams 'Happy Sunday' to all who stumble apon my blog this day.

It maybe only 45* this sunny morning in November but the vents are opening and we are enjoying close to 90* in the greenhouse.  Can you see the water on the tropical Hibiscus?  I mist all the green each morning.  Not sure if it really does anything for them but they seem to be enjoying it.

Imagination Verbena on Sunday Morning 

Landmark Citrus Lantana Bloom

If you like reading about the greenhouse experience from my neck of the woods you might want to click on the BRENS'GREENHOUSE icon to the left to view more!  Let us know if this inspires you to grow green - be kind and leave a comment!


  1. Hi Bren, what very pretty blooms and such lovely photos.

  2. It is beautiful. Your greenhouse will bless us all with your flowers from winter. I bought my wife a red amaryllis bulb today for Christmas. It may not bloom by then, but we stay away from the poinsettia's because of the dogs and cat.

  3. The flowers do scream sunshine and I felt it all the way to my bones. Absolutely gorgeous! I think we are all going to enjoy your greenhouse this winter!

  4. Your verbena is beautiful! Hardly see this colour here. Enjoy your warm greenhouse ;-)


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