Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome October

Welcome October..... we are ready for you in the BGgarden!
My kitty Jack seems to be a little confused about the crisp air and the frost on the ground this morning.

October has hit a few of the tops of my annuals.  Most of these hit by frost I can save by doing some propagating.  For example: I did take the bottom leafs of this scented geranium and started them in a flat that will go into my greenhouse upon completion.

As I working on saving the plants for next season my hubby works on adding the greenhouse on to the newly built shed that houses my daughters Rabbitry for now.  Someday the shed will be pots but for now I am enjoy sharing.  I feel like the little squirrel preparing for the long winter.

How could you not enjoy having these sweet little creatures pictured above enjoying the greenhouse with you. Click on the link if you would like to see more of the Rabbitry.

Welcome October.... we are so ready for your gifts of brilliant color!


  1. You know I'm not usually a fan of kitties in garden photos but wow--yours knocked my socks off. It expresses October sentiments perfectly. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Oh, Bren, what wonderful images!
    I will try to overwinter some pelargoniums, too. Happy autumn gardening to you!

  3. Sweet little bunnies, so cute!
    I like that first photo with the cat. Awesome lighting!

  4. Yes, I am ready for fall too, it will be here in a month or so..LOL Great pictures esp the one of the kitty the colors are so vivid.

  5. Love, love, love your kitty sitting there what a perfect pictures I also love bunnies ~hugs, Cherry

  6. So glad you will save some things in your greenhouse for next spring. The bunnies are adorable.

  7. That photo of your black cat is a classic. It is a great shot. Kitty is loving the warmth of the sun peaking through.

  8. What a great post... and beautiful little bunnies. Someone has a tender heart! :-) Happy Autumn.


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