Monday, October 26, 2009

Autumn Monday Stroll

Autumn Stroll - Collage of my walk in the Monday Morning Garden.

Look at who joined me on my walk... all my Garden Friends. 

I can feel the heat coming from those coals still alive in the Fall Fire!  

Enjoy your Autumn Monday and I hope to inspire you to get out and take a stroll. 


  1. I love autumn here in Germany as well...never had good autumns back in Cape Town...but here one gets to enjoy all the different four seasons..
    Lovely photo's and love the way you have displayed them...

  2. Thanks for this beautiful walk! You have gorgeous autumn color! Wish I was there;-)

  3. Your pictures are all so pretty. I love autumn too.

  4. Beautiful autumn :-D Love the pictures in your collage. I can imagine the real thing to be even better. Too bad I am not able to join the fun. Nonetheless, happy Tuesday!

  5. Hi Bren~~ I LOVE your collages. I'm just learning to do these myself. Beautiful burgundy leaf carpet! And your kitties are cute!

  6. A lovely way to start the week, Bren! Blessed with a beautiful day, our colors are stunning here also.

  7. A spectacular collage, the colors are just breathtakingly beautiful.
    Love your kitties, they enjoyed your walk didn't they ?
    Thanks for sharing, your blog, is truly special..

  8. Gorgeous photography and blog!
    Shirley Bovshow
    Garden World Report

  9. Gorgeous photos and blog!
    Shirley Bovshow
    Garden World Report

  10. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. You are a talented photographer.

  11. Thanks for the visit and comment. No, I don't have a major zoom lens. Well, I do have a 400mm lens but seldom use it as it is way too heavy. I have a modest one at 200mm that I use a lot.

    I have enjoyed the autumn stroll

  12. Fall colors are such eye candy! Great photos Bren.

  13. oh, you 4 pawed friends are just adorable, thanks for showing them


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