Tomatoes have gotten to me.... What is this flower because I can't remember for the life of me! Enjoying the last of this mystery flowers' clusters in the shade garden this day in September.
The cart loads are getting smaller but there is still plenty of work to do. I can honestly say I am looking forward to doing some actually garden work such as weeding and mowing. Tired of the picking and the preparing at this time of harvest season.
Happy Harvest Friends and enjoy the weekend.
14 comments: ARE a very busy lady!!! it all looks just wonderful!
You will be well rewarded for all of your hard labor!!!
Hi Bren, You must be tuckered out after all of the gardening and the canning this summer.
I think your flower is an Anemone but I am not sure which one it might be.
Have a great and restful weekend.
Wonderful harvest! Lucky you! Enjoy the weekend!
Yes, all our apples and our tomatoes and peppers are ready. We can bide our time with the apples as they won't spoil, but oh so many tomatoes. Beautiful photos.
We really do need our seasons, don't we?!! I know I am always grateful for the change.
Wow that is a lot of tomatoes! We haven't had as many tomatoes as I would've thought this summer.
Could your mystery flower be a Japanese anemone? Whatever it is, it is a very pretty shade of pink.
Hello Bren, I like your Garden Fresh tomato recipe... tq for sharing. I would try one day (copied!). The mystery flower is too pretty to miss. Glad you made a collage and post it. Have another blessed day!
I've only harvested one tomato so far, so there won't be any stewing of tomatoes going on around here for a while. My guess on your mystery flower is some type of anemone.
I linked to you from Tootsie Time and am so glad I did. I love your blog, the look and feel of it. You make it very warm and inviting. Looking forward to visiting more.
I no longer have canning and freezing to do now that I'm living alone. And,... no place for a garden. I miss the satisfaction of seeing all those quart jars lined up at the end of the day!
Hi Bren, what beautiful photographs...your garden looks so pretty.
great photos. :)
Hi Bren, I've been thinking of you, and wondering why I'm not seeing your posts when I'm on blotanical. I need to read from my own list more often.
I had started to read your blog earlier today, but our grandson is here, and I needed to attend to him. I came back when he laid down next to me for a nap, and your blog was still there at the ready. We usually listen to lullabies from AOL Radio, but when we heard your music, he settled right into his blankets, and went to sleep. Thanks!
I've enjoyed catching up on your posts. I see some people let you know your mystery bloom is an anemone of some kind. I hope your weekend is going well.
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