Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ready for Fall

One of my favorite display of colors comes from the Grape Vines we planted years ago. 
I had to snap a photo to share with my dear friend Kylee (Our Little Acre)  of my FULL trunk after an afternoon trip out to Bench's Greenhouse.  I couldn't help but remember the fun we had a few months back filling her van with our 40% off finds.   This trip was in search of some fall fillers for my garden.  I returned home with Mums ( 6 for $22), 2 large P.W. Red Riding Hood Grasses, a few containers to plant, sweet corn, peaches and plums.   
I bought extra SWEET CORN so I could prepare it for freezing to serve at Thanksgiving.  Nothing taste better then some corn sliced right off the cob during the Holidays.   After blanching the cob for a few minutes just slice off of the cob and freeze.    
How are you preparing for Fall?


Pedro Garcia Millan said...
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Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi Bren! Our summer was so good this year, I hate to let it go. Your trunk looks pretty impressive!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bren~~ This will sound lame but, I'm preparing for fall is by enjoying every second of what's left of summer. Your plant shopping sounds fun.

Stephanie said...

Now, how does those wonderful grapes taste? Sweet and juicy? TQ for showing the pic. Have another fruitful day!

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

now you make me hungry!!! i love sweet corn too....

credd said...

love concord grapes. my parents grow them too. i'll have to pick up some corn tomorrow so i can try this.

Cedar ... said...

What delicious looking grapes! My mother used to make our own jelly from our grapes on the arbor in the yard. Preparing for fall? Well, after Columbus Day weekend I'll be getting my camper winterized,... awwwww.... hate to do that!

Kylee Baumle said...

Bren, that was the funnest day ever! We were like two little kids in a candy store! :-D You're fortunate to live near Bench's.

Love your grapes photo. Hopefully, we'll get some next year. We did get to taste a couple of the Mars before the birds got them and they were GOOD! The other ones got picked off by the neighbor girl before they even got ripe.

Mrs. E said...

LOVE the grapes! (Your vehicle had a bit of a load, eh?!)

The author said...

I'm preparing for fall by waiting impatiently for the plants and bulbs I ordered to come in. Wait, maybe that's actually preparing for spring...