Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Russian in 2009

One of my new additions to heirloom tomato varieties in our veggie garden put off its' first piece of fruit today. I am super excited not only because it is known for a long producing season but because it is the FIRST TOMATO on the year. The description that came with the start plant from the Mulberry Creek Herb Farm reads : This Russian heirloom produces a long and steady crop of 2-inch elongated plum-shaped fruits colored a beautiful deep-mahogany with dusky-green shoulders. Fruit resembles a small paste tomato but with thinner walls. Unique sweet tangy flavor. In the photo above you can see me holding this cute little plum in front of a portion of the veggie garden that I spend three hours watering by hand last night. We need rain 'big time' in my neck of the woods.
The collage collection of Rudebeckia has to be my favorite bloom this week. I love the rich fall tons and the massive amount this one plant is shooting out. I swear I counted over 20 blooms measuring at least 4" wide on this perennial. The Rudebeckia plant has been one of my favorites in the country garden since I was introduced to it about three years ago. Since then I have added 4 different varieties growing in random locations on our property. This zone 5 grower can tolerate poor growing conditions as well but my #1 reason for loving this bloomer is it blooms most of the summer. Below is the a coneflower bloom I wanted to include to this blog entry from this late mornings walk in the garden.
Echinacea / Coneflower says ' Good Morning'

It was only his shadow!


  1. Coneflower! I could not come up with the name. See, that's why I visit you. Well, that and the beautiful photos! : )

  2. Beautiful photos! And mmmm... TOMATOES! Mine are failing, but my hubby just hit the Farmers' Market for some nice ones. :)
    Thanks for stopping by the Ao4 Digest!

  3. An attack kitty! Your Rudbeckia are bright and cheery!

  4. You have some of my favorite things here today! I wonder if the Russian tomato is the same as Anna Russian that I have. I was given a seedling and it does have plum shaped tomatoes. Enjoy!

  5. wow, such red tomatoes!! that garden gives you something to gloat over to your neighbors,hahaha! hope you will get the rain you need.

  6. Hope you get some rain soon! Those tomatoes look tasty. I love plum tomatoes! We here in NJ had too much rain this spring... wish I could have sent you some.

  7. So, what do you think of these tomatoes? Are they better than they're advertised? Or do you like other varieties better? They're unique! :-)

  8. First tomato? Wow! From what I can see from the photo... they look so nice already. I am sure they taste good too. Do you have a special recipe for such tomatoes? or you use them like the other regular ones. Have a wonderful day!

  9. I will bring the cheese, you will make the salad, ok? :)

    I am glad that you're first tomato is red and beautiful, I wish you many salads from now on!

    I don't have a red tomato yet, but waiting...

  10. Congratulations on your ripe tomato! I love all your flowers and collages! Your flowers look beautiful and healthy!

  11. A really lovely post... I am curious how the tomato tasted? It's hard to find anything wrong with any of the rudbeckias...they are floriferous and indestructible! Aren't cats the best! I wish I could chance letting my Coal outside, it's just too dangerous with cars zooming by gail

  12. I had ONE Tomato and it tasted semi sweet,thick but yet juicy and hearty. I am not good with descriptive words but I must say ' IT WAS AMAZING!" I can't wait till the little green clusters I have going are ready to be cut up in a salad or mixed with some hearty mozzarella cheese. This will be an amazing year for the tomatoes if we only get some rain!


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