Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Veggie Report on Bloom Tuesday

RAIN RAIN.... Please send some June Rain!
Yesterday I spent 2 hours 'pamper watering' my struggling veggie plants. I am not sure if they are taking their time to grow because most of them I started from seed on my own this early spring or if it is the lack of rain. My BASKET in the collage above is filled with extra 'filler' seeds which I add as LAST RESORT to rows where the cutting flowers DID NOT GROW. I also added some new pea seeds. I noticed after planting the seed packet I used was packaged for season 1995. Fertilizer 20-20-20 was added to those peppers, zukes, and most of the tomatoes. Don't forget the SHARPE and the plastic forks I am using for markers this season.
MORNING GLORY has the climb of the season in the top left photo of the collage above. See the little starters that are taking their time at the bottom of the fencing in the Veggie Garden. Pine Mulch was added to help keep out the weeds and promote moisture lock. I enjoy adding 'quick' growing annuals to the veggie patch to add color when the veggies are done for the season. Annuals included in this veggie patch are zinnias, a variety of sunflowers, cosmos and cardinal climbers just to name a few. Extremely excited am I to report the zucchini is doing wonderful. I started all these from seeds!!! I can't wait to show photos in a month showing their progress - Be sure to check back for the Veggie Report!
Bloom Tuesday
Not sure which is a more exciting bloom to share so I will feature both the Tomatillo Bud and the Marigolds under the heirloom tomato plants. The collage above feature how I plant the tomatillo in my veggie garden. I have learned in the past two years these HEAT LOVING veggie plant love to be grouped close together using stakes to keep the stems strong early in the season. I also use pine mulch as a weed block and to keep the moisture in the root of the plant. These are going to make some wonderful fruit to use in my Salsa Verde!

Happy Bloom Tuesday EVERYONE!


  1. I love your dreamy title photo.

  2. Your veggies are looking nice and green. The tomato plant is looking good with the marigolds under it.

    My garden has just about done all it's gonna do.

  3. Those are the prettiest marigolds!
    Your veggies are looking great.

  4. nice! i planted marigolds around my tomato plant too! although supposed to help repel bugs some are being completely devoured themselves!

  5. I love that you add flowers around your vegetables. We had Morning Glories when I was a kid, but I've never grown them myself. I need to. They are so cheerful!

  6. I also have marigolds near my heirloom tomatoes. Rain is forecast for us tomorrow, but we need more SUN!

  7. Everything looks healthy despite your lack of rain. I hope it arrives soon.

  8. I like the idea of planting marigolds under the tomato plant. Something beautiful and cheery in the vegetable garden. But is this a norm for all gardeners there to plant marigolds below a tomato plant? Or this is your own style.

  9. Stephanie, I had to laugh out loud... NOT A NORM for gardeners in my area to plant marigolds under tomatoes. I can't claim it as something I came up with either. I think I actually read it was something organic farmers do to keep the bugs away from their tomatoes. I have been doing this for about 7 years now and it seem to work.... plus it looks pretty! :-)
    Thanks for stopping by everyone... having fun stopping by your blogs tonight as well.

  10. Morning Bren. Good lookin plants! Prayin for rain to head your way and give your plants what they need.

  11. Lovely to see how your garden grows, I wish I could take all the rain we've had here this month and send it to you ... I wonder if there's a water/rain proof Fedex pouch ... ummm

  12. I've forgotten about planting marigolds around the tomato plant--I did put two leftover calendulas. And I've never seen a tomatillo blossom; lovely! Your garden, in spite of the rain, looks lush and green. I only have my little apt. patio slab but have it full to the brim with flowers. Photos soon.
    Oh, and about the pen--I used the fonts available at http://www.mylivesignature.com
    but the pen would give you your real signature. How cool is that?
    Happy Wednesday, my green thumbed friend.

  13. Well you know I just love your blog and read it always but often on the run and rarely get to post back except on SP. This was a delightful blog and sure wish you some June sprinkles to get those veggies going. Maybe I can send you some from my neck of the woods as we've had so much we're having black mold issues and mushrooms growing on the SOUTH side of the house where the sun should be burning up the ground!

  14. I have some marigolds that planted themselves right next to some of my tomatoes, and I didn't get them moved. I'm glad to see yours are pretty close to your tomatoes, too. Things are looking great!


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