Friday, June 19, 2009

Fertilizer Friday

BGgarden is joining in the fun over at Tootsie Time by adding a Fertilize Friday entry to my blog today. I am going to share my ENDLESS SUMMER HYDRANGEA even though I only fertilized her once this season. This variety is known for NOT needing to be fertilized. They have a wonderful webpage over at ENDLESS SUMMER COLLECTION. If you are interested in seeing what is blooming across the web this Friday be sure to stop over to Tootsie's delightful site.

Yesterday I had the honor of meeting one of my favorite GARDEN blog authors. Kylee of OUR LITTLE ACRE took a road trip over to my neck of the woods for an afternoon of Garden Fun! What a great afternoon of walking the trails on our property and checking out some local sites. I have to admit, I worked extra hard to get the main gardens mulched and weeded just for her arrival. For lunch we took a short road tip to Muggz's Tea Nook & Cafe. I had no idea this cute little cafe filled with cute little garden art was located in a neighboring community. Their berry ice tea is a perfect refresher from a hot day in the garden. Kylee highly recommended the Tomato Basil soup with a 1/2 grilled 3 cheese sandwich.I can't wait to return sometime soon to pick up some of the fabulous tea's they had in their cafe. Next stop was over to BENCH'S Greenhouse. I can't wait to read what Kylee shares on her blog about the AMAZING SALE. We both loaded up on perennials and shrubs at 40% off! I hope she shares the photo of her van tightly packed. It was truly a Gardeners DREAM Sale!
Photo collection above is of Kylee and I with one of my garden kitties. My husband snapped the shot of Boo Kitty hiding in a nearby shrub. He is such a 'BOO'..... as soon as our visitor left for home he was out flaunting his stuff on the front porch. It was truly a wonderful afternoon - THANK YOU KYLEE!

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope to have some wonderful flower photos for you this weekend thanks to the rain we finally recieved all day today.

Happy Weekend!


Mrs. E said...

Be sure to stop by Easy Street for my 6/20 post. Just a little mention of BG Garden!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Very pretty hydrangea and how nice to spend time with another blogger.

Cathy S. said...

Beautiful Hydrangea! Happy FF!

Bren Haas said...

Can't wait Mrs. E - your blog is wonderful with the new flag header.

Thank you everyone for the kind comments on the Hydrange!

Odette Bautista Mikolai said...

thank you for stopping by my page and leaving a sweet comment. i sooo love looking at your photos here. i love plants and i dream of having a garden with lots of foliage when i retire. but right now i can't do that as my apartment in the city doesn't give me an option to grow plants.
it's so nice to get around to meet a fellow blogger, no? i too had become so attached to my friend online, and i think it's one of the most surprising and gratifying things about the whole blogging endeavor.
i'll be catching up with your older post so i'll get to know you better.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

What fun for you and Kylee! The hydrangea is a beauty!

Tessa at Blunders with shoots, blossoms 'n roots said...

That Hydrangea is beautiful- they are on my list of things to have in my garden some day.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

I wish I could join you for that wonderful tea!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Bren, Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with Kylee.. There's nothing better than sharing a passion with a friend.

Have a great weekend. Happy Father's Day.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hydrangea. I am happy that you got to meet a fellow blogger and your kitty is precious.

joey said...

Can't think of a lovelier way to spend a day, dear Bren. Kylee is a favorite of mine also. Thanks for sharing your adventure ... Happy Summer!

Victoria Williams said...

Your hydrangea is beautiful. How nice to meet another garden blogger, we have that pleasure coming up this week also.

Tootsie said...

you are so darned lucky to get to meet a fellow blogger!!! the only one I get to see in person is my measly little sister!!!
thanks for the visit and for joining FF....looks like you had a wonderful day!

Chloe said...

I love the style of your blog and endless summer hydrangeas. Aren't they fabulous? Never met a hydrangea I didn't like! :) Thanks for visiting my blog too... enjoy tweeting with you!

MedaM said...

Your Hydrangea is lovely and your photo is great. I also enjoyed reading about beautiful moments that you spent with your blogging friend.

Patsy said...

Hi, Bren
Love the color of your hydrangea.

Kylee Baumle said...

Well, Brenda, we had us a really good day, didn't we? It couldn't have been better. I had a wonderful time with you and hopefully, we can do it again sometime!

If any of your readers would like to see your garden through my eyes, they can check it out here.

Did you get all your things planted yet? The only thing left for me is the 'Black Lace' Sambucus. I have a spot where I want to put it, but it involves tearing up more grass and you know how Romie feels about that! LOL!