Monday, June 22, 2009

Can't get enough of those HYDRANGEA Blooms

Hydrangea in June
I know I shared these with you on Friday but I just can't get enough of these fabulous blooms. Finding myself and my Macro Lens spending endless hours just gazing at those wonderful pink tones of this bloom. Can't wait to see the show my Oak Leaf puts on later this week. I will be sure to share so be sure to stop.

As I took photos of some of the bright orange oriental lilies (that I will share later this week!), I happen to snap a few shots of Betty taking a nap under the flowers tall steams. Could be the fact that a wren is feeding new babies just a few feet away?
Collection of BLUES to use in the window boxes for Summer Fair.

Super excited to find a healthy assortment of annuals and perennials up at the local greenhouse at 40% off that I can use for the containers I am putting together for our local fair. The color them is Blue and White. I found a 'splash' of red and maybe some yellow to add to the basket. I will share images of the completed project hopefully by the end of the week.

Thank you for stopping by the BGgarden and letting me share my blooms of the day!


  1. Beautiful Hydrangeas and photos! I can't wait to see your Oak Leaf Hydrangeas, either. I almost bought one and didn't. Of course they were sold out when I went back to the nursery.

  2. I just love the pink hydrangeas!
    Your cat looks so cute peeking through the leaves :)

  3. and thank you bren for brightening my day with those beautiful pics of your garden!
    even when it's raining here, i feel sun shiny and bright with the sight of wonderful foliage.

  4. I understand that you cannot get enough of those lovely blooms. I feel the same when it is flowers about.
    Your mosaics are beautiful and a great way to show as more flowers beauty as you can.

  5. Beautiful hydrangea collage. You have a nice assortment of blooms. Love all the different blue blooms too.

  6. Pretty blooms Bren. I like the pic of your kitty in the blooms.

  7. Yes, please do share the container combinations you come up with. Love hydrangeas too!

  8. Love Calico Betty peeking through the leaves! Great shot!

  9. Hey Bren,
    Gorgeous photos! My hydrangea has been lovely this summer also. The best it has ever looked. Wonder why?
    I didn't see kitty in the pic until I read the post. LOL...
    Have a blessed day.

  10. debra maison williamsJune 23, 2009 at 9:05 AM


  11. debra maisonwilliamsJune 23, 2009 at 9:12 AM

    BREN i look forward to your blogs enjoy reading them,love your photos too,loving your music selections too,keep up the good work.

  12. ANNIE .... Next time grab that Oak Leaf because you will not be disappointed. Give her space to grow and you will a wonderful show most of the summer and the blooms can be cut and dried for the holidays!

    Thank you for all the wonderful comments - can't wait to share the window arrangements I come up with this week. I just mixed the my dirt / fertilizer recipe for successful baskets! Hope to share that as well with you.
    Out to the garden!!!!

  13. Bren, as always your flowers are beauties! Crongrats on your bargin flowers, I did the same on some herb plants!

  14. Hi Bren, What beautiful blooms and Betty looks adorable and pretty sneaky in her hide-out! Isn't it fun to find flowers on sale and the blues and yellows especially are my favorite combo. Have a terrific day.

  15. Hi Bren, Your Hydrangeas are gorgeous. I also love the cute picture of the kitty peeking out. Thanks for sharing. :)

  16. Thanks for the sweet comments and I love your blog you have beautiful flowers and photos.Have a blessed day....Barb

  17. Did you go back to Bench's for those annuals for your containers? It's a good thing I don't live closer to that place! LOL. Oh wait...if I were closer to Bench's, I'd be closer to you, so scratch that first thought!

    I know you'll come up with some fabulous combos. I just don't have the knack for that. I did put that purple-y annual grass PW that I bought with a dark purple Oxalix in a small pot. I like how it looks. Simple, I know, but it makes me happy! :-)

    My Endless Summer 'Blushing Bride' is sure putting on the blooms right now. Others are working on it, but it's going to be a little while yet. 'Blushing Bride' is my best bloomer. 'Lady in Red' comes in second.

  18. I am waiting for good sales to get some plants for across the street. I got 2 viburnums to block a bad view at my garden across the street, and to provide for the birds, at regular price, but Menards was lower priced than other places. I also got a snowflake mock orange on sale at our local hardware store, but it was in a smaller pot, and dried out the other day. I hope it makes it.

    Your collages are awesome!


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