Lanuginosa Candida / ClematisIn the garden today we are enjoying the magnificent clematis vine that is climbing the new cooper trellis we made in the early spring. The blooms on this vagarious vine are as big as my hand. One of the greatest attributes of clematis is the showy blooms on such a DELICATE looking frame. This is not the case in this variety of clematis I found in a box for $3 at
Walmart five years ago. The vine is large and full giving it the structure to support these wispy blooms of white. I don't know what is more striking on this climber - THE BLOOMS or the SEEDS left behind after the show. You know if you visit my blog in the later summer you will see another side of the clematis when the seeds have arrived.
Thank you for stopping by my garden this morning. Today the photos above was with the Macro lens on my new Nikon set in the A mode - and
aperture settings from 100 - 300 in the shady area where the photos were taken. SO much to learn!!!!!!
Happy Gardening Friends!
Thanks for stopping by and following. I absolutely love your blog and photos.
My husband's going to love it too...he's an amature photographer and I know he'll be impressed. The pictures of your clematis take my breath away.
New camera!! Congrats! Stunning photos! Love the daisy in the previous post..your photos were great before..they are stunning now! It is strange how something new gets the creative side spurred on again. How special is it?? Your husband buying you a special gift..what a doll! :)
Those are beautiful! I'd love to grow something like that to climb up my deck posts! How do they feel about lots and lots of sun?
Thank you all for stopping by this morning. I am totally addicted to BLOGGER..... I have about 30 people arriving in 2 hours for a Holiday Party at my place and here I am BLOGGING!!!!
Clematis in this entry gets full sun all day ARMY of FOUR. Each variety is different because I have a delicate clematis in the back garden that only gets a few hours of sun and it is just as stunning.
YES... I love my Hubby for the Nikon gift. Our 16 year Wedding Anniversary was a few weeks ago so it is so special to me that he give it to me around that date. Just before our wedding we invested in a NIKON N 90 ( 35mm) rather then hiring a photographer at our wedding. WE HAVE GOT OUR MONEYS WORTH out of that treasure so I am looking forward to at least 16 years using the D- Series.
Happy Weekend everyone....
Beautiful clematis! My mom tried growing some but never got much. I did OK the first year then there were too many rains. Florida is so fickle.
Your pictures are beautiful. I love clematis. They are so dainty looking.
Beautiful photos of a pretty clematis - mine are all type 3, so it will be awhile till they are showing off.
Yes mam, the Clematis has added interest after the blooms. Yours are beautiful.
Beautiful clematis!! I love white flowers, there are so pure and delicate!
Oh yea! I was noticing how clear and pretty your pictures are--bravo. I only have one clematis and it's not looking so good.
These Clematis photos are absolutely lovely!!
Wonderful post about clematis, Bren. I once had a white one in Chicago named 'Guernsey Cream'--truly the rich color of cream.
Your blog is a delight, by the way, and I hope your Memorial Day weekend has been fun!
Beautiful as usual Bren! You captured great pics!
Beautiful Clematis and photos. Congratulations on your new camera. I also have a Nikon with a macro lens and I just love it.
Hi Bren, I love your Clematis blooms. Ours hasn't bloomed yet. I'll post a picture when it does bloom.
My hubby has a Nikon also--but his is older. He's 'itching' for a new one now!!!! ha
Hope you had a great weekend.
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