Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday Greenhouse Road Trip Part 2

Corso's Nursery and Garden Center
Sandusky, Ohio

Last stop on our Mothers Day Greenhouse Road trip was further down the scenic Ohio lake shore drive to Sandusky, Ohio. I have been down this road 1,000's of times in my life time because it is on the way to Cedar Point Amusement Park. I can't believe I have never noticed this nursery. The landscaping selection is wonderful and stands out on the colorful drive making it hard to miss the location.

The water features and container selection was amazing!!!! The large indoor garden shop even had a wonderful display of Curuth Creations.

OH..... found a great deal on Bacopia annual that was being sold in a large six pack for $6.99. I am not a big Bacopia fan because it is so commonly used but I just couldn't resist the price.

Large selection of shrubs and Trees in a well organized setting. Photo above of the perfect fluffy white clouds over their greenhouse.
Wonderful Carefree Rose by Star Roses. Who could resist a close up on that pretty bloom.

Fabulous water gardens and well stocked with fish and accessories needed to make the same display at home. This was a wonderful place to end the Sunday trip.
Dinner Time :

Berardis Restaurant in Huron, Ohio
What trip out to Lake Erie is complete with out a dinner of Fresh Lake Erie Perch? We were lucky enough to find this restaurant on our way home from the greenhouse tours. The parking lot was full but we were quickly seated. Friendly staff and great menu. The kids loved the famous fries that are featured at Cedar Point. My son was quick to notice the vinegar on the table stating ' that reminds me of Cedar Point - they are open today so we should go check out their flowers!' Nice try - we will make that another day trip.

Last shots of the day were at this farm we stopped at that was along the side of Route 6. I never realized how 'creepy' ostriches were till I saw these things..... argggg The young deer were just too cute. It was neat to see these creatures up close.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day.

1 comment:

  1. LOL Ostrichs are a bit creepy...the look on that one's face is pretty funny! I've heard they can be sort of mean...I'd keep my distance for sure! :-)


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