Friday, May 15, 2009

16 Years Today

Today is my husband and mine 16th Wedding Anniversary. It is only appropriate to blog a photo from my garden that daily reminds me of our special day. I wanted lilacs in our wedding so bad I had to use silks because I couldn't find a florist who would use lilacs in a live bouquet.

See the little angel baby sitting in the ground cover under the dogwood tree. This little guy was once in the middle of a flower arrangement on our wedding table. Now he sits and enjoys our master bedroom patio garden.

Off to enjoy this special day. Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day planned!! my lilacs are blooming right now - wish I could send some to you! :-)

  3. Happy ennaversary I wish for you.

  4. Happy anniversary! Yesterday was Rain Gardeners 26th anniversary! Ya'll are two lucky gals!!!!!! Have a great weekend

  5. Awww! Happy anniversary, Bren! Continued happiness to the two of you!

  6. Happy Anniv! I will be celebrating 11 years together this fall, but not married. We talk, we think about it, but life just keeps getting in the way.
    I was married for 18 years, I had gotten married at 21 and was waiting until I could start EVERY sentence with "I've given you half my life ....." LOL, but didnt make it.

  7. Happy Anniversary...enjoy the day! gail

  8. Bren, have a great day! Congratulations! That little angel is precious!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Those lilacs are gorgeous!

  10. Happy Anniversary! May your love continually grow stronger, never remaining the same. Have fun.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  11. Happy Anniversary. Your lilacs are beautiful.

  12. Congrats hun! Do something a trip to Lowe's! Lol.... ain't married life fun? Hugs....Brooke

  13. Bren, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Your lilacs and angel make a beautiful picture. Have a great day and here's wishing many more anniversaries.

  14. Happy anniversary! My young lilacs didn't bloom much this year, hoping they grow and more blooms next year!

  15. Happy Anniversary! (Beautiful flowers and love your little angel. It's so nice you can look out and see her everyday...)

  16. Happy Anniversary! I love lilacs, too! They are the flower of my childhood. Mom had a huge lilac bush. I remember making May Day baskets with lilacs for the neighbors or my teacher. (We'd also leave some in the mailbox for the mail carrier. Imagine his surprise to find our wilted lilacs!) I LOVE that your little angel is still watching over you. I hpoe many more years come your way!

  17. Congrats a day late! 16 years is an accomplishment and one to be proud of! The blooms are gorgeous too, BTW.

  18. Hey Bren

    Belatedly, Happy Anniversary


  19. Sweet memories! Beautiful flowers...I love lilacs, too! Happy Anniversary! Susan

  20. Belated Happy Anniversay wishes, dear Bren. Spring is crazy and I'm behind big time but heartfelt loving wishes come with this note.

  21. Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog, Can I have your recipe for your rhubarb & strawberry pie please?! It sounds lovely.

    Great blog, which I will now follow!

    Tracey x x x

  22. Congrats to you both Bren! I love how you have your little reminder in the garden.

    We just celebrated our 15th this past Thursday.

    Happy Sunday to you.

  23. Hi Bren, a belated Happy Anniv. to you and yours. Hope you celebrated well..great angel and lilac pics :)

  24. Hi Bren,
    I'm trying to play catch up on my blog reading this evening. I'm going through my own list, instead of blotanical this time.

    I hope you had a great anniversary. Congratulations on 16 years!

    Oh, by the way, my husband set me up with a twitter account on my phone, but I never learned how to use it. One day recently, I somehow clicked on the twiterfone button, and noticed a bunch of posts you had written. I tried once to set it up on my computer, but didn't know my password or something from the phone account. I am thinking I wouldn't be able to keep up with both blogging and twittering. Maybe I'll change my mind if I get caught up on some housework and gardening.

    Hugs, Sue


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