Monday, April 20, 2009

Magnolia Bloom

Magnolia Bloom

Each year it is a spectacular event to watch the Magnolia tree blossom in our garden. As the weather has been playing games with most of the nation we were holding our breath when the forecast called for weather that would destroy these buds about to bloom. It is cold and rainy today and the blooms are still giving off their spectacular show. I am hoping to get more photos tomorrow but if the blooms are damaged we were blessed with these.


  1. Just beautiful! I hope to have one of these in my garden some day :)

  2. I love "tulip trees". They are blooming all over Seattle right now and every time I see one I smile. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

  3. I just love Magnolia blossoms and since I don't have any in my yard, I love seeing pictures of everybody else's!! Keep em coming.

  4. This is the first year I have had a magnolia and it bloomed beautifully and then the frost killed the blooms. That's pretty much a given here. They were pretty while they lasted.

  5. The weather is not too spiffy here either, Bren, but the weekend will be warm & wonderful, near 80. Lovely magnolia photo! Thankfully, they have not yet bloomed here ... snow showers predicted for tonight :(

  6. The Magnolia Saucer is one of the first signs of Spring here and they really put on a show this year!

  7. I've seen some magnolia trees in bloom lately, just beautiful.

  8. This was my father's favorite tree. They are spectacular in bloom but such a brief time.

  9. Beautiful captures!

    I am struck by the differences between northern and southern trees. Our (southern) magnolias are much thinner and do not bloom profusely like the the northern variety.

  10. I love Japanese Magnolias...ofcourse...they are purple!!! Anything purple and I love it!

    Bilbo is off on his big adventure. Visit my post Where In the World is Bilbo for details!

  11. I just found your blog & love your garden pictures! These magnolias are exquisite!

  12. these are beautiful- tehy put on a good show, and the cooler weather seems to have prolonged the spring bloom.


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