Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Beautiful collage! I just saw a huge flock of geese the other day- they were flying awfully low, just barely above my house!

  2. Oh Miss Bren SO pretty!
    Thank you for sharing
    hugs, Cherry

  3. Beautiful collage! The buds in the center make me hopeful for spring! :)

  4. good day bren,

    your garden looks yummy on your header. i will check back to see your black kitty.

  5. Swelling buds and joyful wildlife ... spring is coming, dear Bren :)

  6. Nice post!

    Would you like to exchange links with our new blog COMMON CENTS where we blog about the issues of the day?

  7. Hi Bren, Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments. I love your header picture, so beautiful!

    I too work in a nursery in bedding plants.

    I enjoyed your blog much and will definitely be back!

  8. Your area, post below, looks very much like my yard and garden! There's a bit of hope that spring is coming...not gonna mention that it's in the teens right now.

    I love to spend time in my gardens...hop over and scroll down a bit to see a few of my garden posts! I am past ready for spring. I was just telling my hubby today that I wanted to do some seedin' and spend less $ on starter plants...and here I find your blog, which mentions starting seeds!

  9. Love your music and today's photos are interesting and beautiful. Welcome to blotanical.


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