More about seeds on my new blog at
Oh My Word.... Somebody Stop Me!I have gone seed planting CRAZY these past two weeks. I have filled so many recycled containers and Jiffy greenhouse starter kits I can't fit any more on my 5 x 6 crate in the sun room. My husband has began searches for a home greenhouse kit with fear he may lose his tool bench space this early spring. ( grin) I just emptied the plastic container the crescent rolls were purchased in and I have already filled it with my seed starter soil!
* What a fine - a new Sunflower and Nasturtium. These will go right in the ground in mid-May.
* I found the YELLOW Cucumber my dear SparkFriend Dee recommended a few weeks back. Ferry-Morse Seed Company.
* The peppers and tomatoes have been started. I don't know if I am more excited then SCARED. I hope they grow for me.
* I have four different Poppy Seeds to give a try this year. We use to have a lovely garden of orange poppies at our first home that I KILLED. I had no idea what I was doing and that they could not be easily moved. We will plant these seeds in the next few weeks directly in the ground being sure to label them so we can see what becomes of them in the up coming years.
Green Report for 3/ 26 / 09
We have been blessed with some super warm weather for our neck of the woods. I am in zone 5 b and for the past three years we have been dealing with snow on the ground this time of the year. This may just be the first year my Magnolia blooms survive more then a week. I hope I didn't just jinks myself.
Climbing up to the 50's today - or so that is the Weather Mans' guess. I just got my Scrapbook Fix for the day making you all that tag to the left! Off to grab my shovel and rake and work on that never ending Spring Clean up.
Oh my word is right. And I'm almost as bad and I don't even do good seeds. But would you believe after those poor pathetic cosmos I posted I have went and bought about 15 more packets of seeds and took pics of them the other day to show the world I've really lost it. Dang! What am I nuts? I'm really giving it my best shot. At least you, Bren, know what you're doing. LOL What is your sedum it looks different from any I have? Very interesting!
My cosmos ( I have six different kind so far!)and Sunflowers are going to be planted right in the ground at the end of May. I hope I have time to blog about that! I am on my way over to check out your blog today as I wait for the sun to come out. Happy Spring!
The life of spring has sprung and it's looking beautiful!!! I need to get my bottom in gear and get my seeds started!
Oh girl I know exactly what you mean. I have my mini four tier greenhouse shelves full. They are on a shelf rack in the kitchen plus window sills, and I just ordered more.
Bren we may have to join seed anonymous :-)
Would anyone recommend a seed company they order from..... Not that I need to order more. I was just curious!
I love all your picture blog entries! They are wonderful. Isn't it great to see all the green coming up?!?! Have a great day! heidi
lol...this reminds me of a few years ago when i used a greenhouse and grew a lot more than i do now. I had seeds, cuttings galore. I think the best part is when they start becoming proper plants that you can re plant. Loved watching that happen and when the multi coloured flowers started flowering and you didn't know what you were going to get colour wise until then.
Sounds like you have been busy. I like how you are emptying food containers to get those precious seeds planted. A true gardener! I hope you have lots to show for all your hard work.
Seeds and seeds and more seeds. Girl, busy is definitely in your future.
Groco seeds on ebay.
They are not fancy, but you get tons of seed and they are super cheap. I have ordered twice and been thrilled. My seed this year is all up and good. Go crazy girl! Lol....Brooke
Dear Bren,
I loved reading this blog. The photos are so refreshing ! I was just going through your blog and thinking you must be really devoting a lot of time and energy to your garden. Earlier, before my relocation, I maintained a huge balcony garden...I just loved watering the plants...I used to surf the web looking for tips to maintain my garden. I am happy to have found a fellow gardener in you !
My motto is: Plant a lot of seeds and saplings, some will die but some will survive. So plant a lot of seeds ! Do not stop at planting a few seeds/saplings !
Thanks and regards,
Sanghamitra Nath
Oh my word--you have been busy and it all looks grand. I think your husband will lose his bench for sure.
Your blog is breath taking. I love the header...One of my favorites.
Hope you will stop by my blog for a visit.
I am new to blogging and I am loving all my new friends.
I am giving away my first EVER BLOG PRIZE.
I have a gift basket business and it is the most requested gift over the last 15 years.
From the comments I have already received, it appears to be something a little different.
I have been so touched by the comments that I
have decided to give 2 boxes . They will be the $100 deluxe size.
I really do want to bless people!!! I have decided that giving is life at its BEST. The drawing will be late afternoon on that's tomorrow!
Oh Bren, I know what you mean!! I'm on a huge roll here and running out of space in my greenhouse windows!!
Have to break apart the tomatoes as they're due for their own individual pots now. Bought yet more seeds this week and mom surprised me by picking up more still !! Dad made her some windowsill greenhouse shelves as well...
Soooo glad you got the cukes and lemme know how they do!!
Seed sowing is just so exciting and hugely satisfying.
I bet those poppys will look a treat.
Good luck with all the seed sowing - seed sowing space has priority over tool bench space without any doubt :) I have enjoyed visiting you blog. Love your tag !
Wow! You are very ambitious! I haven't even gotten any seeds yet. I don't usually start them early inside. I am too lazy! Also, some things I buy flats of plants and don't start them from seed. It is exciting that the weather is finally warming up and we can think spring!
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