Not only are the flowers starting to bloom in my garden but I won an EBAY bid on my very own greenhouse! Yea, I am sure you can imagine my excitement to get a 10' x 12' foot double glass panel / metal frame house of my own. SUPER EXCITED and can only imagine the NEW HORIZONS yet to come!
Shutter Sister Blogger - what is your Saturday saying to you?
Shutter Sister Blogger - what is your Saturday saying to you?
In this little collection of herbs it is time to space those starters that are growing like crazy. The seed packet states that the seed is to be space 12" apart. Rather then plucking out the seed I am going to take the advice of my dear blogger friend Sue at A Corner Garden who suggested clipping the seedlings back rather then plucking them out. I am snipping back the seedlings that are spaced to close together.
SPECIAL Seed Starter NOTE to my niece Jeanette who has taken up seed starting:
- KEEP THE COVER ON the seedlings until they are touching the plastic covering them. When the starters are touching the cover you need to space them and uncover.
- Watch that the place you are housing them does not go below 50*.
- DO NOT LET THEM GO DRY! The starter soil will dry out quicker with the cover off of them.
This evening while spending some time on blogger checking out my favorite garden sites I found a link to this charming site with the entry ' I let my fingers do the walking.'
Tessa, the author of this blog, took recycled paper to make potting pods. I can't wait to follow her blog and see what happens. Stop by and check out her ideas.

Agastache SURVIVED!!!!
This was another annual marked treasure from last years garden that seems to have survived the winter in my zone 5. I am super excited to have uncovered this beauty. What a wonderful bloom this Pink Spire puts off in the early summer till late fall. I can't wait to share it with you this summer.
Those crocuses are wonderful! And congrats on your greenhouse. There was a time when I wished for my own. New horizons took me elsewhere but I will always love plants.
(shutter sisters)
Oh these flowers are stunning! Love your blog so much - thank you for sharing all your expertise.
Your crocusc ollage is very nice. Congrats on the greenhouse. What fun.
I am VERY excited for you! That will be so much fun having your own greenhouse!
How exciting, a greenhouse!!
I'm glad your agastache returned, it's a great plant!
That is nice to know about the cilantro. The crocus are very healthy, colorful plants. Thanks for sharing.
I need to thin some of my seedlings too, what a great idea to simply snip them with scissors. I think I'll try that. What part of Ohio are you in? I'm in the suburbs of Columbus. I can never tell if I am in Zone 5b or 6a, there's a dividing line somewhere nearby. Some sites say one thing, some say another!
A greenhouse that is wonderful. Thanks for stoping by.
Congratulations on your greenhouse!
It really pains me to see you decapitating the cilantro. That is the worst thing about growing things from seed! I have the hardest time thinning them! It is a job that I need to do now. I'm sure I'll try to save every little seedling.
Oh! Bren- you got yourself a greenhouse! Good size too! I wish mine was bigger- I'm rapidly running out of room :). I'm so excited for you! When I grew parsley, I took some advice from a friend that told me to pour boiling water over the seeds before sowing them- it worked, they were up in half the time :). I agree with Sue, cutting what you don't want is much better than trying to get all those babies untangled! Thanks for the link love and for stopping by today. Happy spring to you!
I see you have a great collage too!
thanks for stopping by. Those crocuses are beautiful!
I'm so jealous of your greenhouse! Your blog is just beautiful. Great photos.
Yay for you on getting the greenhouse. I bet that will be absolutely delightful to have. Your photos are so gorgeous, nice and crisp. Any tips on cilantro? Mine got really leggy. Agastache is great. Ours just keeps coming back ... and drawing the hummers.
Hi Bren, thanks for popping in and leaving a's great meeting new gardeners this way :) I'm hoping to play in the dirt today but it looks to be dark and wet out there. I love your crocus collage..really beautiful! AND I love all your adorable cats!
A greenhouse will be so awesome. In 1982 my husband (ex) and I bought a 1928 house that had a greenhouse. Built of cement blocks and a glass room that cranked open. Hundreds of clay pots. Apparently a previous owner used to grow carnations to sell. We kept it for a few years, but it was dangerously falling apart and I couldnt argue that a storage shed wouldnt be better used. A wonderful splurge to have!
I'm late! But I'm pretty sure my Saturday was saying "have patience" since I picked up my Grandsons to spend a night or two!
Your Crocuses are beautiful. My littlest guy said he want to pick some of them. Mine are done blooming so he's gonna come over and pick some of yours. ;-)
I forgot to tell ya 'whoopie' on the greenhouse. You are going to have a ball puttering around in that.
I make paper plant pots this time of year, just roll newspaper round a glass tumbler, you can just plant it straight in the soil when you are ready and need not disturb the roots.
Brenda, I am so excited for you about getting a greenhouse, and a little jealous :) Your crocus are so pretty. I do not have any of them :(
Your seedlings are really sprouting well. Today is not a very nice day here in the Buckeye state is it? A few days of warm weather and already spoiled :)
Hi Bren,
Thank you for visiting my blog!
It's amazing how long parsley takes to get from seed to plant! But, it's worth the time and effort for the scent and flavor!
Good idea with the scissors. It always seems like I'm doing damage to the remaining seedlings when thinning the traditional way.
Hi Bren~~ Love your crocus. Mine are about finished here and daffs are in full bloom. Agastache are one of my favorite plants. I've heard it's the wet more than the cold that will cause their winter demise. I know I've lost some of mine. (PNW~~rain central) I took cuttings last fall just in case. With your new greenhouse (how cool is that?!) you can do the same, if you so choose. Here's to new horizons!
That is a great idea to cut rather than pluck. Had to make that job much easier. Glad for you the Agastache is coming back. I have some of this planted in my yard.
Great post, nice photos :)
Your blog is very beautiful. I am so happy that you won your bid on a greenhouse. Can't wait to see the progress as you put it up in your garden.~~Dee
Some days are 'as good as it gets', dear Bren! I think you've experienced this gift. Congratulations ... can't wait to see your creative mind at work!
Congrats on your ebay win! Can't wait to see what it looks like! And oh how I love all your purple crocus flowers!!
Well, next time we drive through BG on our way to Detroit, I'll wave at you and your garden.
What a totally fun blog you have! I love all the flowers and the gardening info, and since this year is the year of the garden for me, I will definitely be stopping back to visit your site!
Wow, a greenhouse. Wonderful news.
That's a good idea about clipping the seedlings instead of pulling. No disturbance to the soil. Thanks.
A green house! Great! we both discover the new horizons this year.
Beautiful pictures of spring.
I am smitten with purple, and all things you know I love this post! Beautiful color
I'd be super excited about having my own greenhouse too! Lucky you!
I wonder if my agastache will come back. It hardly grew and didn't bloom last year, maybe because I got the plants in late in the season.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Glad to 'meet' you :)
Thanks for your comment today, it's so nice to find your lovely blog here. Greenhouse on ebay? Congratulations. I've been thinking about getting one too. Ebay is a great idea.
Beautiful crocus! Just the shot in the arm I needed on this dreary day:)
Once you get a greenhouse you will wish for a bigger one and find that you spend more time there than in the house :)
Mmmmm... greenhouse...
Congratulation on your greenhouse win! Love your garden and flowers.
Hi Bren! How cool to be getting a greenhouse! Thanks for the link love. I have seeds up that I've thinned, too. I just noticed my agastache coming up, too.
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