Thursday, March 5, 2009

Could this be the beginning of Spring?

It was finally warm enough to enjoy a walk today in my neck of the woods. I wanted to make this blog entry just long enough to share the signs that spring is just around the corner. Tomorrows forecast is calling for record highs and sunny skies. Can't wait to enjoy the day!

Wonderful texture.........

I love the textures and color in the mulch and the rock bed.

This is a great shot of the kittens. They are getting so big and I know they are just as excited about the arrival of spring as I am. Look at Seymore .... putting his paws in my photo shot!

Off for the weekend.....


  1. I pray it is! I am so ready for warm weather! My family is leaving for Orlando, FL in a week and my hope is to bring the warm weather home with us so I can garden! Lovely pics, I too went out and looked for "Spring" today!

    I have "eyes" on my hydrangeas and peony.... looks like a lovely show to


  2. Definitely looks like the beginning of spring!

  3. Enjoy the first signs of spring, dear Bren. Today was lovely and the promise of tomorrow even better (thank goodness, we've had to delay 2 trips to the cottage because of weather and I'm getting antsy to see my sister).

  4. Bren,

    Wow! Looks like spring to me!!! Happy gardening!

  5. It does indeed look like spring is coming! YAY!

    Your kitties are so beautiful. I love how they're sitting gazing off trying to ignore the fact that you're taking a photo of them.


  6. Looks like spring is on the way. I love the photo of your kittens.

  7. I love the photos! I enjoy looking at things like that in nature, but I tend to forget to take my camera with me. LOL I noticed the other day that my Primroses are starting to pop out of the ground! Yay! But, back in the woods, where we have some ramps planted, they haven't started popping up yet. It won't be long though! I can't wait to have some, because, to me, that means Spring is here!

  8. Oh, how inspiring...going to have to head out and see what's coming up in my neck of the woods now...Love It!

  9. Great photos Bren - love the kittens! All that and spring as well eh!
    Lots of signs of spring in my garden amidst the snow flurries - snowdrops, hellebores, primroses, daffodils.....wonderful!

  10. As always, beautiful photos, Bren!! I'm enjoying some lovely Spring weather today, myself. I sure hope it's here to stay!

  11. It certainly looks like spring to me - and the only way I can enjoy a little spring right now is through others blogs. Thanks for sharing! And thank you for visiting my blog!

  12. What cute kitties. I think everyone is ready for spring.

  13. Hi Bren! It looks like spring in your garden, and your kitties are eager to explore! I love the new growth, textures and encouraging signs that brighter days are here and lie ahead, as well!
    I am sorry I haven't visited your blog in a while. I honestly feel overwhelmed sometimes by the amount of wonderful people I've met, and trying to keep track of you, and others, is difficult for me;-( I do try to follow you when I can, please know that;-) Good luck w/your seedlings too...I hope you are seeing some growth, or will,soon! I have seeds sprouting, too!

  14. Looks like everything is peeking out. Must mean spring really is on the way.
    The kitties are adorable.

  15. Hi Bren ~~

    Well, I can see we're going to get along just fine. :) Love your garden cats (kittens?); love your unique bench arbor. I bet there is a story behind it.

    I'm ignoring all "looks like spring" posts. Not really. I'm just getting really tired of our unseasonal chill. Typically we can go two or three winters without any snow but this year beats all. I've lost count but I think this morning's dusting was the fifth this winter. I'm a native Oregonian and can't remember a winter like this. This morning I crafted big (ok,grandiose)plans for digging and destroying Creepy Jenny who has rudely taken on LEAPING tendencies. Lucky for Jenny it was too cold and I'm a wuss.

    Anyway before I write a book I just wanted to say hi and I'll try to fave you but Blotanical is acting weird again. Poor Stuart.

  16. Hi Bren,
    Did you import medium sized pics to make a kind of collage right in the post? I may try that. I like the size of the pics, because you can get a good look at what's in them.


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