Monday, February 9, 2009

Old Man Winter Tease

Happy Monday! Every Monday is happy when you wake up and can get out of bed with good health. Wouldn't you agree? It was hard to believe when I stepped out on my back deck this morning to greet my little kitties how the garden is showing signs of spring. YES.... the pine trees dripping with melting snow and the groups of ducks that were singing near by. Heck, I even saw a couple of blue jays sitting on the bird feeder this morning. Being from the north most of my life we know that this is just a 'tease' from mother nature. You no sooner get your spring wardrobe out of storage and 'he' dumps another 3 inches of snow on ya! Gotta love it!

Tulip Collage by Me!

My family and I have been doing some research on building a new garden structure for our yard. I hope to get a rabbit barn built this spring and add on to it this fall with my own greenhouse. I am going to blog about those ideas later this week for stress relief from my sewing business I have been working on 24/7. This weekend we were in a few home improvement shops and you know I head for the Garden Centers. I had to pick up a bunch of my favorite colored tulips during our journeys. These orange and yellow bloomers are one of my favorites because it brings out the color in my kitchen area. To have a bundle of tulips in my favorite vase on the kitchen bar is a little promise note from God reminding us that Hope is always there! Can you tell that I am getting tired of winter? I am so very ready to get out in the dirt. I have some new ideas for this planting season to share soon. Also, I have some fabulous new seeds to introduce to my area from a dear friend who recently returned from Italy. I am so very excited to share these with you in the upcoming months.

This week I have a talk for a local garden group. I am sharing some ideas from my garden about bulbs. The BackYard Gardener is a wonderful link filled with useful information on bulb planting. I hope you take the time and see what information they have. It won't be long and you will be able to get that shovel into the dirt to add the summer bulbs.

I HAVE THE PHOTOSHOP BUG!!!!! Check out the image below. It was created using the photoshop program and a layer. Layer was from 'luv to flickr'.

My photo view of kitchen tulips / photoshop creation.

I love Valentines Day! I hope you remember your 'sweetie' on this holiday of LUV!!! What a wonderful way to warm up the winter but by spreading some love to our family and friends.

Happy Monday!


  1. Such pretty tulips. Your collage and the last picture turned out great. I think old man winter teased us last week and that's why we got snow today! It is great seeing those signs of spring! How fun to get ducks. You are right though, good health is always something to be thankful for!!

  2. I love the energy you write with. I feel like bouncing around and doing stuff! You sound a lot like me, i think. I desperately want to learn to sew. My mother just bought me an old machine. This spring i hope to get some garden structures built and i really wish i had space for animals right now. Ugh, have to wait!

  3. What is life without Hope? Great post..infact, this is the second post in less than 5 minutes that I have read regarding hope. Thanks.

  4. That was an uplifting post. You sound very cheerful. I love your second tulip pic that you fancied up.

  5. I copied and pasted the backyard gardener site into my sidebar--it looks like a great info. source:) Yes,Bren, any day that we wake up is a day to celebrate:) Of course, I don't 'feel' this way a lot of the time:( I do try to remember it though and when I think about it I usually feel better!! Have a great day!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

    I do have a few flowers up on my flickr here:

  7. Hey there, hope you enjoyed your dinner. I loved it!! Love the pics of your flowers....I am getting anxious for spring. I often wonder if my perineals will come back for another year?? They will probably be flooded til July, with all the snow we have!!
    Take care,

  8. Thank you for your very kind comments on my * i will be away* post. :-)

    Those tulip photo's are beautiful.

    I love the spring as you know summer is on the way. I can't wait to get out in the garden, i have not got a huge garden but love being out there weeding, pruning etc.

    I look forward to reading about your plans for your garden. :-)

  9. I really enjoy your collages. It really brings out your beautiful photos to see them displayed that way.


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