Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Snow of the season!

These were taken from inside my warm and cozy home.

I think this is the first time it has snowed before my birthday ( early December) in my life time. At least I don't remember when it last snowed this year in my neck of the woods. The craziness is that it is sticking! I don't know who is more excited.... me or the kids!

Holding on for dear life!

I have taken photos of snow covered flower before but not in the fall.


  1. We had a light dusting of snow this weekend. It melted away with the dawn.

  2. Gorgeous photos! I love the first snow of the year also. I called my mom & sister to tell them, I was so excited! Enjoy the end of the fall season! Heidi

  3. The first snow is always a magical day, Bren. Often it snowed on my birthday (Nov 13), which was the best birthday gift! We woke to a dusting up at the lake over the weekend then drove home through white~outs to find snow on the ground here that evaporated in the morning before I grabbed my camera ;) Love visiting your heart-warming home. Hugs.

  4. Well, your photos have succeeded in making Zone 5 look so beautiful with snow! There's just something magical about the first snow.
    [And my only sister's bd is Dec. 5th -- is that anywhere close to yours?]
    You have rabbits?! Love your new avatar with bunny.


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