Summer meets Autumn
I am starting to think that Fall just maybe my favorite season in the garden. I will admit I love the signs of spring after a long snowy winter in my extreme cold zone 5 but nothing beats the extra time I have this time of year. It is nice to watch the sun go down and not be frustrated with all that I have to put on my to do list for the next day in the garden. As I mowed the grass today I had plenty of time to think about what I liked about the fall season. Not to mention the happy thoughts of 'this maybe the last mowing job till 2009'! Sure there are branches to trim, the veggie garden needs its' last tiling under before winter and some mulch is needed around a few of the trees but it is almost time to close the potting shed door for the last time this year.
Excited to see some of the deep tones of Autumn yellows appearing along the wood line that shelters our home. I am also amazed to see all the Summer color that is reappearing this week in October. It is almost as if they are screaming ' Going out with a Bang'! One of my all time favorite blooms is the Cleome. My main garden area filled with this heirloom perennial came up on it's own. To be honest with you, I don't remember ever planting that flower in the area it is now calling home. I am loving the color it is providing so late in the season. The Cleome is filling a corner of my breezeway garden next to the climber rose bush and some low growing Spirea bushes. I am loving the way the cleome is continuing the hot pink color scheme found on the other end of the front garden.

I am loving my cleome right now too. It seems to go on and on and on. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am really enjoying yours!
Hello Bren,
wonderful and colourful pictures.
Yes the fall is here and love this time of the year.
Hope you'll like the apple cake.
I love baking as you can see.
Cheers Gisela
That last flower reminds me of my cat Clyde's long white whiskers! Love your montage of photos. Yes, the summer is melding in with autumn. Here in East Texas, however, it is rather subtle!
Hi Bren ... this colorful post is stunning! Great photos, especially love your cleome, a haunting flower in my mother's garden and once in mine (when I had more sunny space). Wishing you a beautiful autumn, dear garden friend.
Beautiful Cleome flower and I like your photography too.Thank you very much for droppping by my blog and let me know the name of this flower.
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