The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God. ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994'
It is hard to believe it has been 10 years since I took this photo from my little city garden. This was a very difficult time in my life because my Father had passed away unexpected and before I could say 'goodbye'. My Dad was my life and I was so very close to him. Dad went to be with my Mother just as spring was arriving in 2000. Spring time had always been my favorite season and I worked so hard to make the children's play area and my little piece of Heaven so bright and cheery with blooms. That year I felt like I lost it all and a piece of me had died as well.
One morning I happen to look out into the birdbath garden out near the pathway my Dad would take to come visit his Grandchildren and Me. The sun was shining in a special way on some daffodils that were just opening. This was the first photo I took after realizing that we must go on. God sends us gifts from Heaven just like the sunshine to let us know that we will be in his perfect garden when he is ready for us. And though the sun may not be out today there is the comfort in knowing it will return soon. This photo spoke to me with comfort saying Dad and Mom were with me in that beam of sunshine reminding me to ' continue to shine bright - we are always near!'
I send my dear friend so far from home love and prayers. To you and your family Gods' Peace and comfort during the difficult time. You are truly in our prayers. Let His love shine on you.

That is a lovely photo. We can all take comfort in the beauty He gives us.
You have captured a piece of my heart, dear Bren. I cook, write, garden, and live each day holding the gifts that my parents shared with me (both have been gone from my life for too many years, yet live beside and within me). Please contact me at loonfeather@comcast.net (did not see yours) and we can chat. Better there than at facebook since I'm challenged but would love to connect. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age. Mentors are important in life as my children's friends remind me. I am blessed.
Bren, thank you for the comment, and for bookmarking my blog. Your photos are lovely, and Jack the new cat is gorgeous.
I am looking forward to exploring your previous posts, and glad to meet you.
Bren, This was so wonderful! You captured the picture perfectly! You're blog was heart-warming. Praying for you today and each day!
This meant the world to me and my family. What a blessing you are to me -- thank you!
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