Today is Labor Day and we are enjoying wonderful summer weather in the garden. It is a day to kick back and relax with the family and friends. I am about the head out to the pond and enjoy the latest issue of Southern Living. This publication is one that I usually safe for future reference. Even thought I am not living in the southern states we enjoy all that this magazine has to offer packed with food, home and healthy living articles.
This month I am enjoying the articles about the heirloom tomatoes and today I am going to make up the Lean Green Lettuce Tacos to enjoy on the deck. I would like to share this recipe with you as well because it is extremely tasty and it is healthy for you. Enjoy this day with your love ones as well.
The recipe can be found at my recipe.com.
I did happen to snap a few photos in the garden this morning. Everything is extremely dry and needing some of God's rain. Prayers go out to those effected today by the storms hitting this great nation of ours.

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