In my hand I hold a favorite pairing that I love to put in my sun locations from time to time. This year I am going with the 'Empress of India' Capuchina - Nusterisum for the border. The bed out there is filled with a climbing rose that I believe to be at least 15 years old. It was there when we moved in and over taken by poison ivy, weeds and a mulberry tree starter. I worked on that bush for about a year and enjoyed wonderful red blooms the following season. That welcoming bed also is filled with Shasta Daisy, Black Eyed Susan and Blanket Flower. Spring Blooms include iris and many bulbs from my favorite collections of dafs. and tulips. I added some Sunflowers (Passion Peach - which is more orange/ yellow bloom) seeds mixed in potting soil and covered with mulch. I also added some 36" tall Cosmos seeds. I think this will bring wonderful coloring. I am amazed at all the different marketing of seeds by Burpee.com this year. FABULOUS job on selection available at local shops.

I enjoy working in my garden in the early evening. It is nice right now because the nights have been cold enough that we don't have the evening BUG problem yet. The crisp cool air and my garden ( golf ) cart filled with all my supplies and seed starters. It is not uncommon to have a friend or two following me around as I work. This night is was Seymore. He enjoys sitting and watching as apposed to his brother Smokie, who will jump out from behind the bushes for a wonderful rush while I am usually deep in thought. I have a few friends who hold high power jobs such as Law and Physicans and they share the passion of garden with me as well for the reason of PEACE.... TIME TO THINK!~ This is wonderful therapy. It is very uncommon to meet someone in the greenhouse who is there to garden who is UPTIGHT or UNHAPPY. Flowers and HATE do not mix well. Find a pretty garden ( yard) and you will find a happy person.

Me and my garden friend posing in the Sun Garden I am blogging about today. Enjoy your Day and most of all - Enjoy Life!
Your blog is a wonderful garden. I fell happy seing it. Thank you very much.
Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment..
How did you find me??
Love you cat and the many wonderful flower pictures.
Cheers from Canada.
Just passing and reading random blogs, yours breaths nature, I miss my childwood in in the field. Sorry, I do not understand about garden. You should continue the wonderful work of God
I wish that He save and protect your garden.
Cheers from Portugal
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