Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Container Design - Part 1 for 2008

This Morning - Sun and Daisies under Cloud Tree.

From the front garden and deck this morning these photos were taken as I enjoy my cup of JOE and the wonderful new day. One thing you will learn about me when you visit my blog is I enjoy taking photos of the work in progress. That is what this posting is about today.

The first two photos are a couple of the containers I have started to plant of plan on planting today. The SUN Terra Cotta is a wonderful piece I found in the Detroit area. I love to plant wonderful Lantana and Sedum in that container. It is a like a POT FULL OF SUNSHINE once the summer heat kicks in. Look for me to post that planting example today.

This is my Boo this morning. I love him to death. He is enjoying the new grass we have planted around the sunroom that was added to our home last summer. The landscaping photo that follows is the area we are designing today. Meeting with the sandstone specialist to get some wonderful rock walkways put in around the new addition.

The last photo on this blog today is showing off the newly planted 'Amour' Coleus. I am a big Coleus fan and enjoy the wonderful color the leaf produces through out the summer. Can't wait to show you how this container will grow in the future months.

I am sadden to hear my garden girls chat about the upcoming 'Garden Tour' we will be doing this summer because it is a trip to the Amish. Nothing against the Amish, not at all because I do enjoy their cheese and hospitality! HOWEVER, when it comes to garden touring I do not think of the Amish of Ohio. Correct me if I am wrong. My sadness is that I won't have the chance to visit many new garden areas with the greenhouse group to enjoy the new container ideas they usually feature at the normal tours. This only means I will have to venture out on my own this summer.

Off to enjoy the day - I hope you are able to get in your garden today as well.


  1. I coulddn't help but notice and hence I ask. In the picture posted on 22 May... is all that land yours? Some garden if it is :) I see open landscapes like that and then I look out of my window on the 16th floor. Land is kind of scarce in India :)

  2. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm glad to have a face to "talk" to! I love your blog, you are living my dream- out of the cube and hands in the dirt!Try to keep an open mind about the Amish tour. We have a lot of Amish around here-their yards and gardens are really impressive. They have a totally different approach to gardening. I love the pictures of your containers-I can't wait to see how they grow!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog-it's nice to have a face to "talk" to! You are living my dream- out of the cube and hands in dirt! You may be surprised about the Amish, we have a lot of Amish and Mennonites around here, their gardens are impressive! They have a different point of view about gardening and have a lot of insight to share. Keep posting pictures of the containers as they grow. That's the best part of container gardening-watching the progress!

  4. What wonderful photos! I hope to get out in the garden this week, I have so many seedlings I should be planting out!



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