Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bloom Day - Tuesday

Old man winter is taking his time leaving our neck of the woods this year. The weekend brought unseasonable cold and even a few snow flakes. The Weather forecast is showing a warming trend threw the end of this week. As I blog at lunch time today it is 50* and sunny.

The photo above was taken late morning and there is still frost on the ground out front. There was smoke coming from our pond this morning due to the cold air. The nice thing about the photo above is the wonderful new leaves and buds on the shrubs and trees.

The photo above shows some tulips that I put in about three years ago. They are close to the house and are usually one of the first to bloom. It has come to my attention from blogging this spring that I desperately need to work on adding more spring bulbs to my gardens.

It is always a sign that summer is not far off with the lily greens coming up! (above) I am thinking I need to divide these up again this year. They spread so fast in my yard but I really enjoy that.

Yard Blooming in the two photos above.

As time allows I will blog about the greenhouse progress in the evening! Enjoy the Day and most of all - Enjoy the Blooms!

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